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December 2024 PTCO Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sagebrush Elementary PTCOSagebrush Elementary PTCO

Sagebrush PTCO December 10th Meeting Minutes: 

December 10th, 2024

Meeting Started: 6:30PM                                                                                           

  1. Welcome: Call to order Sam 6:30 PM

    1. Meeting is being recorded, to be posted online for parents to watch at home. 

  2. Introductions Sarah Wilkins(Mild Mod Teacher) present

  3. Reading of the previous meetings minutes

    1. Marked as approved as written. 

  4. Principal report

    1. 8 days away from the midway point of the school year. STAR testing in Language Arts on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024. Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024 will be STAR Math testing. Results will be available in Powerschool in January. 

    2. CMAS coming up.  

    3. Budgeting/staffing needs will be addressed in January 2025 for the 2025/2026 school year. 

    4. In September,  345 graders took a social emotional screener, district wide.

      1. Our scores:

        1.  90% kids said they had a trusted adult at school. 

        2. 89% supportive relationships 

        3. 73% successfully manage themselves. 

        4. 68 social awareness.  

        5. 68 sense of belonging 

        6. 53 growth mindset 

        7. 52% emotional regulation. 

        8. 52% self efficacy 

      2. Screener found that our new students struggled more than students that have been here for multiple years. Looking at solutions, such as having established students have lunch with new students to help them feel connected. 

      3. Staff plans on digging deeper into gender/race trends. 

    5. Teachers read questions out loud. Some are on a scale. 

    6. Overall, all scores within the district went down. 

    7. Social awareness & self efficacy went down for Sagebrush. 

    8. District wide: sense of belonging scores went down. 

    9. Sagebrush plans to improve self efficacy by reiterating “we can do hard things” There is no growth without struggle. Ie. growth mindset

  5. Teacher’s Moment   

    1. Mild mod teacher (students with learning disabilities work with Sarah or Shannon). Works with 1st-5th grade. This is her 8th yr as a Special Education teacher.  As an English language specialist, she plans and co-teaches in the classroom. She pushes in the classroom for one subject because the same strategies will work for all areas of learning.  2nd language learners are not usually in need of special ed - they actually trend toward more gifted areas on neurodiversity. 

  6. Officer Reports

    1. Treasurer Report: 

    2. $19,701.80 in Sagebrush PTCO account.  The majority of funds are earmarked for field trips, grants, etc. Excited for more fundraising opportunities in the future. 

      1. Fun Run (~$7k deposited).

      2. Famous Daves SOS deposited. 

      3. Kroger Quarterly earnings deposited. 

      4. Magnets Paid.

      5. Gaming License Fees Paid (reimbursed Holly) and a separate bank account is established (owe Sam $40 to open account). 

      6. 2nd Grade field trip to Mizel has been paid.

      7. 4th Grade field trip to Colorado History Museum paid (additional $64 for chaperones).

      8. Art Supplies for Art Classroom to be paid (reimburse Ms. Montano)

    3. Still budgeted: 

      1. Hospitality (staff appreciation)

      2. Dance expenses

      3. Field Day

      4. Field Trips

      5. Continuation

      6. Drama Club/Play Production 

    4. Ideas to spend extra funds this year:

      1. New Chairs/Tables 1st-5th grade (Kindergarten received last year)

        1. Could potentially match with district funds

      2. Teacher Wishlists

      3. School wide Field Trip t-shirts

    5. Presidents Report

      1. Holly

        1. Grant Requests: none

        2. SOS nights

          1. Coloradough Night

          2. 15 orders, $123.67, store rounded it up our proceeds to 200$ (nice!)

          3. Jan. 10th 9am-10pm **ADVERTISE TO STAFF

          4. Jan. 15th

          5. Giving free admission during winter break!

          6. $102 earned

          7. Panda Express Night

          8. Jan. 10th 9am-10pm **ADVERTISE TO STAFF

          9. Jan. 15th

          10. Giving free admission during winter break!

          11. $102 earned

          12. Skate City Night

          13. Jan. 15th

          14. Giving free admission during winter break!

          15. $102 earned

          16. Red Robin

          17. $102 earned

        3. Update on Cookie Fundraiser

          1. Great fundraiser! 

          2. Most families have picked up their orders. Please pick-up your orders! 

  7. Old Business

    1. Gaming License Update

      1. Bank Account is setup

      2. Application submitted

      3. Waiting for approval before scheduling BINGO night

    2. Help with Shoveling

      1. No, the district would frown on that (liability)

      2. Main entries are prioritized, groundskeepers now understand the walkway from the park has a lot of foot traffic. “Hill of doom” will be prioritized and ice melted ASAP. 

      3. Priorities: Front, door 13, door 9, (back is not a priority, except for where they walk around to the front).

    3. Winter Parties

      1. Coming out in Friday’s newsletter

      2. Dec 20: schoolwide pj party/read in 8-9; teachers can do snacks in their classrooms. Start in community gathering, attendance taken in classrooms. Parents can take kids to a central location, or take a student to another students’ classroom. 

      3. Flyer for family members? 

      4. PTCO donates snacks? Voted and Passed. $150 Cookies and Fruit Snacks

    4. Dance Committee Updates

      1. Sock Hop Idea??

  8. New Business

    1. Feedback for Game Night? 

      1. Smooth, great turnout; families love it, and enjoy the tradition. Lovely connection time for families. 

      2. Attendance was down this year. Perhaps due to holiday season?

      3. Treat-trot went really well, no tears. Younger/Older version appreciated.

      4. Music is the only suggestion given.

      5. Trivia/wheel of fortune software was great. 

    2. Open to the floor

      1. Escape Room Donation for Auction: last yr. they said to ask in Dec. 

    3. Communication from school for events - try to give more notice for working parents (i.e. Choir concert). 

    4. Laredo construction??????

      1. Open when our 3,4,5 graders are 6,7,8 graders. Completion planned for Fall 2027 (2 year build)

      2. Breaking ground in JAN, permits are ready. 

      3. CROSSWALK discussion. Crossing Guards could be provided by Sagebrush. Will discuss further during next meeting.

  9. Close Meeting 8:00 PM

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